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In-Home Nursing Services in North Carolina


Here at TS Healing Concepts, we understand everyone’s healthcare needs are different. We’ll customize your plan together to ensure the best possible solution for you.

Initial requests for services will be received and processed by the Independent Assessment Entity (IAE). The IAE will conduct a telephone assessment with the beneficiary/legally responsible party or others who can speak to the beneficiary’s care needs. The telephonic assessment is currently used for expedited requests, asks questions related to the assistance needed with activities of daily living and exacerbating conditions. The assessment allows eligible beneficiaries to receive up to 80 hours of PCA care per month. If you are a Medicaid recipient, Liberty Healthcare will complete a full telephonic assessment within 5 business days of receiving a completed referral.

  • a nurse speaking with an elderly patient

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  • a nurse walking alongside a patient

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How home care improves quality of life

Home care is sometimes overlooked and when not considered can be detrimental to the patients’ health and well-being. This is of course the non-medical care or “home-care” and deals with the day-to-day activities in the home that a patient may not be able to complete such as:

  • Bathing
  • Using the toilet
  • Eating and drinking
  • Shopping for groceries
  • Medication reminder
  • Housework
  • Safety needss

While these tasks may seem trivial, they are a huge factor in a patient’s well-being and should be given an equal amount of attention to their medical care. If you are unwell, the last thing you want to worry about is housework, cooking, and essential needs. Having a professional there to help with the general day-to-day tasks (also known as IADLs) can take that worry and stress away, allowing you to concentrate on improving your health.

Health plans we accept

  • AmeriHealth Caritas North Carolina
  • Carolina Complete Health
  • HealthyBlue
  • WellCare
  • UnitedHealthcare of North Carolina, Inc.
  • North Carolina Medicaid
  • a nurse and patient laughing together

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For more information about our healthcare services, contact our team today.

(980) 895-1155

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